
Ook in het kinderprogramma gaat het over het ervaren van de verbinding met de natuur. Kinderen kunnen heerlijk spelen op het prachtige landgoed; het bos, het beekje, het huis. Hutten bouwen, creatief bezig zijn (knutselen, mandala’s in de natuur maken, dreamcatchers, labyrinth, krachtdieren, etc), meehelpen in de moestuin, het kan allemaal. Er is veel ruimte voor inbreng van ideeën van de kinderen. Zo organiseerden zij bijvoorbeeld in vorige jaren een picknick en een spelletjesavond voor iedereen die er was; kinderen en volwassenen samen.

Kom spelen en ontdekken in de kinderweek!

Het kinderprogramma wordt gegeven door Eleanor Platt:

“Hello, I am Ellie, mother of two: Johnhenry (23) and Lilly (8). I was born in Canada and was very fortunate to have travelled and lived in many places in the world throughout my childhood: Ghana, Ireland, Holland and Chile. I was able to experience a childhood in the countryside. It gave me untold freedoms to explore and learn. I went on to study Montessori pedagogy under the auspices of Association Montessori International, learning from those who had been taught by Montessori and her son Mario. I was headmistress of Montessori schools in London and had my own school for many years before coming to live again in Holland. My philosophy is to treat each child as an individual and to allow them the freedom to learn, through play, art, speech and surroundings. What a privilege to come and be able to explore the beauty, peace and surroundings of Connemara.

I grew up in the Vale of Avoca deep in the heart of the Irish countryside and would spend my days exploring. I look back on that time with love and fondness. The children programme will be filled with exploring, using all our senses even the lesser know stereognostic sense and soaking up all the richness Connemara has to offer. We will go on Nature walk in the woods and find the perfect magical spot to make our own fairyland and each make a fairy door and use the moss, shells and stones to make miniature gardens and pathways. The woods have over 200 different types of trees and we each shall learn the leaf names and classification and make our own reference book. Going to the beach and making our own sea creatures in the sand, collecting shells and driftwood we can make our very own mobile. With all the busy moments there will be times to simply lie back and look at the clouds and see what shapes they make, and using silence to simply listen to the sounds and beauty of what surrounds us.”

Lijkt deze training je geweldig voor jou en je kind(eren)? Meld je dan snel aan. Er zijn 8 plekken voor volwassenen en 8 voor kinderen. We willen iedereen genoeg persoonlijke aandacht kunnen geven, vandaar dat we werken in kleine groepen.

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